Last year my dear husband built me 4 raised boxes within which to grow vegetables. The idea comes from the book Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholemew. His main idea is to grow plants in a grid pattern for maximum produce in a small space. By the time the boxes got built and ready for planting it was the end of May, so this year will be my first foray into the perilous pastime of early spring gardening.
Step One: Shovel snow off raised beds
Step Two: Cover beds with black garbage bags to warm up soil
Step Three: Remove bags, replenish soil
Step Four: Make 1 foot square grid pattern using nylon twine
Step Five: Plant hardy bulbs and seeds. I planted garlic, onions, (bulbs) spinach, swiss chard, chicory, mesculun, beets, radishes, and parsley(seeds). I transplanted a parsley and a sage plant that lived through the winter. You go girls!
Step Six: Build a chicken wire cage to keep out varmints, and cover with heavy plastic to keep out the bad weather.
Steps 1-6 took place within a week. I know, I know, what's the rush, but I just can't help myself. It's a sickness. My dear husband (dh) calls it Ice Gardening.
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